- Study Centers (SC) and Scientific Technical Committees (STC)
The Study Centers and Scientific Technical Committees have the purpose of promoting and carrying out studies, research and advanced training activities in the field of economic development and human development in the various geographical, territorial and sectoral declinations, with interdisciplinary interpretations. It aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge on issues such as the role of internationalization and institutional relations, policies for convergence and territorial cohesion, industrial, community and international policies, agri-food, education and universities, trade and tourism, energy and the environment, transport and logistics, health, sport and their environmental sustainability, rural development, food security, local development experiences.
Particular attention will be paid to the European and international integration process. The problem of industrialization is therefore placed at the center of international economic policy, in the belief that it cannot be ignored if we want to gradually reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the gap with the rest of the least advanced countries and to propose concrete programs of action and of works intended to develop those industrial activities that best meet the established needs.
The reform of the public administration and administrative simplification will be essential, in particular: the simplification of administrative procedures and bureaucratic constraints on private activities.
The Study Centers (SC) and Scientific Technical Committees (STC) will analyze economic trends and elaborate economic policy proposals, as well as reports on the trend of employment and unemployment, the dynamics of the main productive sectors, the amount of expenditure ordinary and extraordinary public, territorial analysis of the state of implementation of industrial incentive laws, examination of employment policies, energy policy, environmental conditions.
The Study Centers (SC) and Scientific Technical Committees (STC) will disseminate their analyzes to the members of Confeuropa, policy makers, and public opinion.
The main thematic areas will focus on:
- Monitor short-term trends in GDP, exports, industrial production, employment, credit and public finance – also through statistical surveys and the construction of economic indicators – and develop the forecast scenario for the economy in the medium term.
The focus of the analysis concerns: the impact of the evolution of these factors on the dynamics of trade in goods and services and foreign investments in various countries, the risks and opportunities for companies on international markets, the most appropriate policies and strategies to face global challenges.
- Knowing the effectiveness of economic policies, that is, their ability to produce the desired effects and their impact on growth and well-being. To contribute to this important mission, the thematic area conducts policy monitoring, ex-ante evaluation and ex-post evaluation analyzes. These analyzes are the starting point for formulating policy proposals.
- Propose ideas and projects for socio-economic development, in a European and international vision. with the aim of carrying out analyzes and insights that improve knowledge of the territory from an infrastructural, productive and social point of view.
- The study of the Mediterranean Diet aimed at promoting the diffusion and food practices based on the principle of the Mediterranean Diet model.
These activities make use of scientific and organizational assistance for the planning of training programs, technical assistance for the management of services, participation in research activities.
The (SC) makes use of a Scientific Technical Committee (STC) which includes:
Confeuropa in the world, System Confeuropa Imprese, international universities, industrial, scientific and technological parks (PIST), international chambers of commerce, industrial associations, international hubs and non-profit organizations.
A regulation governs the organizational aspect of the (SC) and the (STC).
(Some salient aspects of the regulation)
- THE (SC) ei (STC) carry out their activities in collaboration with universities or similar structures established at international universities, as well as with other public or private international bodies and associations.
- To the (SC) and at (STC) belong to the professors of the Universities, the professors and the scholars who, upon a motivated request, are admitted by the Presidential Council.
Upon invitation by the Presidential Council, they can be associated with the (SC) and at (STC) public and private bodies and institutions, with which stable relationships of collaboration and / or cooperation are established.
The representatives of these bodies and institutions are not part of the Assembly of afferent members and therefore do not have the right to vote in the election of the National Council and Presidency of Confeuropa in the world, Confeuropa Africa, Confeuropa America, Confeuropa Asia and Oceania, ConfEuropa and Middle East Mediterranean Confeuropa;
3.The bodies of the Study Centers and Scientific Technical Committees are:
- the National and Presidency Council of Confeuropa in the world, Confeuropa Africa, Confeuropa America, Confeuropa Asia and Oceania, ConfEuropa and Confeuropa Mediterraneo Middle East;
- the President of Confeuropa in the world, Confeuropa Africa, Confeuropa America, Confeuropa Asia and Oceania, ConfEuropa and Confeuropa Mediterraneo Middle East;
- the Vice Presidents of Confeuropa in the world, Confeuropa Africa, Confeuropa America, Confeuropa Asia and Oceania, ConfEuropa and Confeuropa Mediterraneo Middle East;
- the Directors and Secretaries of Confeuropa in the world, Confeuropa Africa, Confeuropa America, Confeuropa Asia and Oceania, ConfEuropa and Confeuropa Mediterraneo Middle East;
- the Study Centers and Scientific Technical Committees of Confeuropa in the world, Confeuropa Africa, Confeuropa America, Confeuropa Asia and Oceania, ConfEuropa and Confeuropa Mediterraneo Middle East;
The National Council and Presidency of Confeuropa in the world, Confeuropa Africa, Confeuropa America, Confeuropa Asia and Oceania, ConfEuropa and Confeuropa Mediterraneo medio-east, determine the guidelines for the activities of their Study Centers and their Technical Scientific Committees.
The Honorary Presidents of Confeuropa in the world, Confeuropa Africa, Confeuropa America, Confeuropa Asia and Oceania, ConfEuropa and Confeuropa Mediterraneo medio east, can be invited to participate in the meetings of the National Councils and Presidencies, with consultative functions, if issues of their interest and expertise.
The figures of the honorary Presidents coincide and are indicated by the President of Confeuropa in The Word.
The President of Confeuropa Europe